• Trappey, C.V., Chang, Ai-Che*, & Trappey, A.J.C. (2021). Building an Internet-Based Knowledge Ontology for Trademark Protection. Journal of Global Information Management, 29(1), 123-144 (*Corresponding Author; SSCI).
• Trappey, A.J.C., Trappey, C.V., & Chang, Ai-Che* (2020). Intelligent Extraction of a Knowledge Ontology From Global Patents: The Case of Smart Retailing Technology Mining. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 16(4), 61-80 (*Corresponding Author; SCI).
• Chang, Ai-Che*, Trappey, C.V., Trappey, A.J.C., & Chen, L.W.L. (2020). Web Mining Customer Perceptions to Define Product Positions and Design Preferences. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 16(2), 42-58 (*Corresponding Author; SCI).
• Trappey, A.J.C., Trappey, C.V., Chang, Ai-Che*, & Li, J.X.K. (2019). Deriving Competitive Foresight Using an Ontology-based Patent Roadmap and Valuation Analysis. International Journal on Semantic Web and Information Systems, 15(2), 68-91 (*Corresponding Author; SCI).
• Trappey, C.V. & Chang, Ai-Che (2016). Analysis of IP-related court decisions using e-discovery – a case study of Apotex Pty. Ltd. v Sanofi-Aventis Australia Pty. Ltd. and Ors. Int. J. Intellectual Property Management, 9(1), 16-31.
• Trappey, C.V., Trappey, A.J.C., Chang, Ai-Che, Lee, F.-L., Hsieh, H.-C., & Chao, M.-H. (2012). Promoting and Positioning Entertainment Artists using Clustering and Classification Approaches. International Journal of Electronic Business Management, 10(4), 274-285 (EI/ ABI/INFORM Global).
• Trappey, C.V., Trappey, A.J.C., Chang, Ai-Che, & Huang, A.Y.L. (2010). Cluster Analysis Prioritization of Automobile Logistics Services. Industrial Management & Data Systems, 110(5), 731-743. (SCI)
• Trappey, C.V., Trappey, A.J.C., Chang, Ai-Che, & Huang, A.Y.L. (2009). The Analysis of Customer Service Choices and Promotion Preferences Using Hierarchical Clustering. Journal of the Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers, 26(5), 367-376. (TSSCI)
• 林澤樂,張艾喆,李胤綺 (2021)。〈以文字探勘技術探討餐飲外送平臺品牌策略再定位〉。2021疫起轉型-公關暨廣告產業數位轉型策略學術研討會,2021年5月27日,台北世新大學。
• 張艾喆、鄭藝晗、薛穎、張志睿 (2020)。〈五感沉浸式體驗行銷對消費者行爲意圖之影響-以美妝快閃體驗店為例〉。中華傳播學會2020年年會,2020年6月18-19日,台北銘傳大學。
• 張艾喆、呂虹、曾澤瑩、李素清、鄒筱薇 (2020)。〈綜藝節目置入式廣告中產品置入類型和涉入程度對品牌態度的影響〉。中華傳播學會2020年年會,2020年6月18-19日,台北銘傳大學。
• 張艾喆、鄭藝晗、薛穎、張志睿 (2020)。〈運用新媒體平臺塑造網紅品牌形象及效益:以豪華車產業為例〉。第15屆傳播管理發展與趨勢學術研討會,2020年5月14-15日,台北世新大學。
• 張艾喆、鄒筱薇、李素清、曾澤瑩、呂虹 (2020)。〈淺析共享經濟下餐飲外送平臺整合行銷傳播策略—以餓了麼與美團外賣為例〉。第15屆傳播管理發展與趨勢學術研討會,2020年5月14-15日,台北世新大學。
• 張艾喆、陳立蓉、蔡千翊 (2018)。〈O2O餐飲外送平臺之營運及商業模式探討—以Grubhub與UberEats為例〉。2018中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會,2018年11月29-30日,高雄義守大學。
• 張艾喆、張雁晴 (2018)。〈以科技導向探析報業數位轉型之商業模式〉。2018中華民國科技管理學會年會暨論文研討會。2018年11月29-30日,高雄義守大學。
• 張艾喆、黃郁勛、葉祐玲 (2018)。〈以創新商業模式觀點探討社群網路影音平台轉型〉。TANET2018臺灣網際網路研討會暨資訊工程×智慧計算成果發表會,2018年10月24-26日,桃園中央大學。
• 張雁晴、張艾喆 (2018)。〈報業商業模式與科技創新之數位轉型初探〉。TANET2018臺灣網際網路研討會暨資訊工程×智慧計算成果發表會,2018年10月24-26日,桃園中央大學。
• 張艾喆、張逸寧 (2017)。〈社群媒體行銷工具探索與效益分析:以2016美國總統大選為例〉。TANET2017臺灣網際網路研討會暨資訊學門成果發表會,2017年10月25-27日,台中東海大學。
• Trappey, A.J.C., Trappey, C.V., Chang, Ai-Che, & Chen, W.L. (2016). Using Web Mining and Perceptual Mapping to Support Customer-oriented Product Positions and Designs. Proceedings of the 2016 ISPE International Conference on Transdisciplinary Engineering (TE2016), Curitiba, Brazil, October 4-6.
• Hsu, P.T., Chang, Ai-Che, Trappey, A.J.C., Trappey, C.V., & Lee, W.T. (2015). Using System Dynamics Analysis for Performance Evaluation of IoT Enabled One-Stop Logistic Services. Proceedings of the 2015 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2015), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, October 9-12.
• Hsu, P.T., Chang, Ai-Che, Lee, W.T., Trappey, C.V., & Trappey, A.J.C. (2015). The Improved Global Supply Chain Material Management Process Framework for One-Stop Logistic Services. Proceedings of the 22th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (CE2015), Delft University of Technology, Netherlands, July 20-23.
• 張艾喆、范庭萱 (2013)。〈平價連鎖服飾業HANG TEN數位行銷策略研究〉,第六屆21世紀廣告行銷策略與創意設計發展研討會,台北文化大學。
• Trappey, A.J.C., Trappey, C.V., Chang, Ai-Che, Lee, W.T., & Cho, H-Y (2013). Global Logistic Management for Overseas Production Using a Bulk Purchase 4PL Model. Proceedings of the 20th ISPE International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (CE2013), the RMIT University Melbourne, Australia, September 2-6.
• Chang, Ai-Che, Trappey, A.J.C., & Trappey, C.V. (2012). Providing Customized Products and Services Based on Service Science Paradigm. Proceedings of the 2012 International Conference on Education and Management Innovation (ICEMI2012), Singapore, Feb. 26-28.
• Chang, Ai-Che, & Pao, Ko-I (2011). The research of service marketing on digital TV-A case study on after sales service of CHT MOD. Proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Management, Business and Information (ICMBI 2011), Hsinchu, Taiwan, May 27.
• 張艾喆、康華容、高泉旺(2011)。〈校園媒體創新管理初探—以輔仁大學《輔訊》為例〉, 2011經營管理與企業創新研討會,台北中華科大。
• Trappey, C.V., Trappey, A.J.C., Chang, Ai-Che, Chao, M.-H., Hsieh, H.-C., & Lee, F.-L. (2010). Promoting entertainment artists using data mining and lifecycle forecasting techniques. Proceedings of IEEE The 17th International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, Xiaman, China, October 29-31.
• Trappey, C.V., Trappey, A.J.C., Chang, Ai-Che, & Andrea L.R. Foronda (2010). Process analysis of electronic documents related to injury investigations at a footwear factory. Proceedings of the Conference of Business Management, Taipei, Taiwan, June 18.
• Trappey, C.V., Trappey, A.J.C., Chang, Ai-Che, & Huang, A.Y.L. (2008). Defining services and promotions using hierarchical customer preference clustering. Proceedings of the 2008 Service, Innovation, and Application Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, November 7.
• Chen, M.-F., & Chang, Ai-Che (2007). The importance of the local residents’ quality of life for ecotourism support. Proceedings of the Council for Australian University Tourism and Hospitality Education Conference (CAUTHE 2007), Sydney, Australia, February 11-14.
2018《數位行銷暨媒體匯流個案研究選輯》 (2019/01出版)。ISBN:978-957-8843-24-0。
2012《公視經營診斷面面觀》 (2012/03出版)。ISBN:978-986-6221-48-4。
2011《大眾傳播管理個案研究選輯》 (2011/06出版)。ISBN:978-986-6922-10-9。
2012《電子商務概論》(三版)。Efraim Turban等著,張瑞芬總編譯,編譯群:侯建良、姚銀河、黃敬仁、江梓安、施翠倚、吳欣穎、張艾喆。台北:華泰。ISBN:978-957-609-863-5。