國立臺灣藝術大學 圖文傳播藝術所預計於113424(星期三)舉辦《2024圖文傳播科技與藝術國際學術研討會》,為推廣學術交流與專業成長,以及增進學術單位的交流情誼,敬邀 貴系所蒞臨指導,也懇請 貴系所能夠協助推廣宣傳,誠摯邀請 貴系所研究生積極參與投稿,以擴大研討會學術交流之效益。由於投稿踴躍,故此次徵稿延期至113/3/6截止收件。


1.  印刷適性與發展

2.  影像技術與開發

3.  媒體傳播與趨勢

4.  創意設計與應用

5.  圖文出版與科技

6. 其他圖文藝術創作及設計相關

●      徵稿時間:113年3月6(採隨到隨審制,預計收到稿件之兩周內給予審查回復)

●      投稿方式:請先完成下方投稿報名作業,並於投稿截止日(113/3/6)前將相關文件以電子檔且為WORDPDF格式寄至ntua_gcapaper@ntua.edu.tw


●      投稿報名連結:https://forms.gle/Ucn71fdnE38oPW328

●      聯絡方式:ntua_gcapaper@ntua.edu.tw









The 2024 International Conference of Graphic Communication Technology and Arts welcome manuscript submission


Dear Colleges,


This is a welcome message from the committee of “The 2024 International Conference of Graphic Communication Technology and Arts.” The international conference is hosted by Department of Graphic Communication Arts, the National Taiwan University of Arts. The conference will be held on April 24, Wednesday, 2024. The conference aims to promote academic exchange, professional growth, and enhance collaborative relationships among academic institutions. We cordially invite your department to attend and provide guidance. We also kindly request your department’s assistance in promoting and publicizing the event. We sincerely invite graduate students from your department to actively participate in paper submissions, contributing to the expansion of academic exchange benefits during the conference. Due to the enthusiastic submission of works, the deadline for this call for submissions has been extended to March 6, 2024.

The submission areas for this year include, but are not limited to, the following categories:

1. Printing Adaptability and Development

2. Image Technology and Development

3. Media Communication and Trends

4. Creative Design and Applications

5. Graphic Publishing and Technology

6. Other Related Topics

•    The call for papers is open until March 6, 2024. Submissions follow a rolling review process, and it is anticipated that feedback on received manuscripts will be provided within two weeks of submission.

• To submit, please complete the registration process via the provided link (https://forms.gle/Ucn71fdnE38oPW328) before the submission deadline (March 6, 2024).

•         Submit relevant documents in electronic format, both in WORD and PDF, to ntua_gcapaper@ntua.edu.tw.

•         Please use the email title “Manuscript for The 2024 ICGCTA-Submission category- Your Name.” for submission.

Submission Link: https://forms.gle/Ucn71fdnE38oPW328

Contact: ntua_gcapaper@ntua.edu.tw.

Attached to this email, you will find the review guidelines and paper format. Once again, thank you for your time and assistance.