
年會主題:「AI or IA?後人類傳播想像」


會議地點:國立政治大學 達賢圖書館


隨著生成式人工智慧技術的突破與廣泛應用,傳播的本質正經歷一場深刻的轉變。我們正從以人類為核心的溝通模式,步入人類與機器人共處的後人類時代。人不僅只是「人類」,機器人正逐漸成為人類的一部分,藉由智能穿戴裝置、自駕車、智慧家電等媒介,AI科技進入金融產業、神經科技、法律判決、生物醫療等各領域,代替人類處理工作與生活,甚至決策。這對原本以人為中心的溝通方式提出挑戰,在人機協作的過程中,人類是否開始失去主導位置? AI科技正重新定義「人」與「機器」的邊界,迫使我們重新思考人類與機器在傳播生態的角色。人工智慧的普及再次確認,我們早已身處後人類傳播時代。如同關注後人類概念的哲學家Rosi Braidotti與語言學學者Katherine Hayles所言,溝通不只限於人與人之間,而是機器、人、數位科技間的訊息互動。人與機器人的界線正模糊當中。
AI(Artificial Intelligence)能快速學習、模擬人類智能,然而IA(Intelligence Augmentation)強調以人為主導的前提下,擴增人類能力。衍伸而來的思考是:AI對人類帶來哪些助益與增能?抑或取代與弱化人類的能力,引發更多隱憂與風險?當不懂得使用AI的人將被懂得使用AI的人取代時,AI是否讓人類走向強者越強、弱者越弱的兩極化社會?
這些思考都將回歸傳播的觀點,探討我們該如何回應這些問題, 人類更該具備什麼樣的能力, 以保有主導性、創意、原創性或其他?因此,2025臺灣傳播年會主題定為「Al or IA?後人類傳播想像」,關注AI科技對生活、傳播研究與教學帶來的變動、幫助與挑戰,敬邀傳播學術界提供各種多元觀點一起反思,人類該如何善用AI科技並回應這些挑戰,並進一步深入思考,後人類時代的傳播樣貌。


2025 臺灣傳播年會徵稿規定

符合年會主題「AI or IA?後人類傳播想像」之論文,亦歡迎非本次年會主題之其他傳播相關領域論文投稿。








(六) 生成式AI工具使用聲明
4 使用AI工具的原因與目的。


符合年會主題「Al or IA?後人類傳播想像」之專題座談或工作坊之企劃書,亦歡迎非本次年會主題之其他傳播相關領域座談或工作坊之企劃書投稿。

(二) 專題座談之子題需為3-5篇。
(三) 次頁以下依序列出主題摘要及各子題摘要,各篇摘要800字。




Research papers

1. Theme
Essays corresponding to the conference’s theme, “AI or IA? Posthuman Communication Imaginaries” In addition, submissions of papers in communication-related fields but differing from the theme are welcome.

2. Groups

(1) Student group: The first author is a student at the time of submission.

(2) Social group: No limitation on identity.

3. Regarding manuscripts adapted from essays for academic degrees, the degree candidates are considered the first authors.

4. Submission formats

(1) Full essay submission:
6000~8000 words. Eligible for “paper of distinction” selection. The manuscript must contain the essay title, abstracts in Chinese and English, (up to six) keywords, and the essay itself. The deadline: March 2 23:59:59 on 2025 Taiwan time (based on the time of the annual conference online submission system).

(2) Extended abstract submission:
800~1,200 words excluding references. The content must contain the research questions, literature review, research methods, and possible contributions. In uploading the abstract of a manuscript, please click the “essay abstract” option. In addition, the phrase “(abstract submission)” should be attached to the end of the file name and to the start of the essay title. The manuscript must contain the essay title, the abstracts in Chinese and English, and (up to six) keywords. Regarding the submitted abstracts accepted by the conference, the full texts comprising 6000-8000 words must be submitted before 23:59:59 on May 21, 2024.

(3) The first author of paper and the presenter of the panel must be the member of Taiwan Communication Association.

(4) Please refer to the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, for the essay style. However, please note that for the conference submission, author information is not required on the first page of the submission and should not appear within the manuscript file. Please do not use the author’s name as the file name. (https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines).

5. Conference submission types include oral presentations and poster presentations.

6. Declaration on the Use of Generative AI Tools
    In order to promote academic integrity and transparency, authors are required to proactively declare the following:

(1) Whether author(s) used artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted technologies (such as Large Language Models [LLMs], chatbots, or image creators) in the production of submitted work.
    If such tools were used, the author(s) must also disclose:

(2) The name and version of the generative AI tool or model employed.

(3) Author(s) should describe how they AI tool, and for what purpose. If AI was used for data collection, analysis, or figure generation, authors should describe this use in the methods

    Taiwan Communication Annual Conference does not accept content generated by generative AI as a form of citation. Authors must cite the original sources and cross-verify them to avoid potential plagiarism. Author(s) must also verify the accuracy, validity, and appropriateness of the content and any citations generated by language models and correct any errors, biases or inconsistencies. Be conscious of the potential for plagiarism where the LLM may have reproduced substantial text from other sources. Check the original sources to be sure you are not plagiarising someone else’s work. Regardless of the use of AI tools, authors are fully responsible for the originality, academic value, ethical considerations, and accuracy of their manuscripts.
If AI tools are used solely for literature searching , language proofreading, or writing assistance that does not directly generate the manuscript text, disclosure is not required.

Panels and Workshops

1. Theme

Proposals of thematic panels or workshops corresponding to the theme of the conference, “AI or IA? Posthuman Communication Imaginaries ” In addition, the submission of panel or workshop proposals from communication-related fields but differing from the conference theme is welcome.

2. Proposal format

(1) The first page should contain the theme and related subthemes, as well as the names, service units, job titles, email addresses, and other contact information for the moderator, commentators, and presenters of subthemes.

(2) Three to five essays are required for the subthemes of a thematic panel.

(3) The thematic and the subthematic abstracts are to be listed in order on the second and following pages. The length of each abstract is to be 800 words.

3. Applicant for panel, the first authors of paper, and applicant for workshop must be the member of Taiwan Communication Association. Applicant can serve as moderators, presenters, or commentators. Beside applicant, other moderators, commentators, and presenters, are all welcome to join Taiwan Communication Association.

4. Please refer to Taiwan Journal of Communication Research guidelines for the style for the thematic and subthematic abstracts of thematic panels.

(http://www.tjctaiwan.org/word/4435172024.pdf ,Revised Version January 2024).